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Track changes - part of audit trail (traceability)

Ability to capture reason/rationale/source of changes in REEB after a budget has been "baselined." Basically before any changes can either be saved or checked-in a comment box must be completed that documents the reason for the change. This requires additional functionality such as tracking the changes (i.e., revisioning) as well as a baseline feature to be developed first.

(1) Have REEB export an excel file at the end of each month to a folder as a month-end reference for active Plans (PPBE and Op Plan).
(2) Capture not only who and when made an edit but an explanation of why it was made. When someone checks out a WBS there could be a requirement to select a standard explanation or add an other explanation for the edit.
(3) See net changes as changes to totals are being made.
(4) Ability to enter net changes and see changes to totals.
(5) See summarized net changes made by date, individual, and explanation.

Source: David Cooper; original request per Rose

joshmanning, 25.04.2012, 08:47
Idea status: under consideration


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