REEB Features!

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Add multiple types for all budget sections on Workspace (such as Workforce, Travel…)

Much like how NASA ODCs and WYE ODCs can be added multiple times, this would allow for the other budget sections to be added as well – with the addition of a title/description to differentiate the multiple listings This could help achieve the...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:26
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Re-arrange the Planning Structure Levels on the Review Page

Ability to move Levels from one section of the Plan to another section including promoting or demoting the Level in the process. The Level and its associated WBS and content would be moved as well. This would be useful if major changes are made...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 08.01.2013
Super shuffler!
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:35
0 votes Vote

Add additional plan information to the plan listings when choosing or changing plans

Need to add a Plan Description to list of Plans. When changing or choosing a plan the list does not include any details about the plan. Source: Terry Shurick Need to add a date to when the Plan was created. Source: Clara Blakeley
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:36
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Workspace Error Check highlights errors/warnings on Workspace

The Workspace Error Check not only lists the errors and warnings on a Workspace, but also highlights which cells are affected so that the user can visually analyze areas that need to be addressed.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:39
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Create a Programmatic Workspace View

A new Workspace View that emmulates the Planning Structure. For example, the expandable sections within the Workspace would be lower-levels instead of WBSs. If a Project was structured such as: Project X Subsystem A WBS 1...
joshmanning, 29.03.2012, 12:59
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Cost/Obs as Error not Warning in Operating Plans

Suggestion to change the Cost/Obs Warnings into Errors so that no Cost/Obs can be submitted/checked-in. Source: Clara Blakeley Challenges Ever an issue where Cost/Obs is acceptable? Does this need to be a variable (on/off) by Plan?
joshmanning, 30.03.2012, 12:02
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Error Checking Report (Across Multiple Workspaces)

Create a report that uses the Error Checking logic but can be applied against multiple Workspaces. For example, run the Error Checking against an EIT and all subsystems without having to open up each Workspace. Source: Mike Van Houten
joshmanning, 04.04.2012, 09:27
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Add all applicable levels to Review Page row exports (standardize Exports to HOPS)

Currently the export by row option only includes a couple of levels. Request is to create it such that it is the same format as the HOPS export but filtered down to the level pulled from and below which expedites request and provides access to...
joshmanning, 16.05.2012, 08:14
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Enhancement to administrator's force check-in feature

When force checking in another user's Workspace the latest status should still be their information except maybe with an identifier (*) to notify that they were checked-in by the admin. This helps maintain visible traceability with regard to who...
joshmanning, 16.05.2012, 08:18
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Multiple check-in/out feature on Review page

Ability to select multiple planning levels and check in or check out on the Review Page.
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 08.01.2013
Most likely will be obsolete with 3.0 release which allows "programmatic" maintenance and ability to check-in/check-out across multiple "levels"
joshmanning, 16.05.2012, 08:21
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Hide/Show Org-specific Content within Budget Sections

Ability to also hide/show the individual orgs/content within a section. For example, if multiple WYE contracts are planned under Workforce and the associated Labor $s are planned as well then ability to hide orgs so that Workforce and Labor $...
joshmanning, 16.05.2012, 08:24
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Email notify when changes are made to a Workspace

Notify users who can "subscribe" to a Workspace or are designated as "content owners" whenever a change is made to their Workspace. Source: Terri Shurick
joshmanning, 19.06.2012, 10:10
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Give analyst ability to unmap WBS.

Works better than deleting the edit level and recreating it from scratch.
Renee Sawyer, 27.02.2013, 11:17
1 comment
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Load multiple REEB versions.

I'd like to be able to open PPBE15, PPBE14, and op plan all at the same time to compare numbers.
Renee Sawyer, 27.02.2013, 11:18
1 comment

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