REEB Features!

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0 votes Vote

Merge Content

Merge items into a single item. Could be setup items (merge ODCs) or tasks (merge into a single Task). POC Clara Blakeley
joshmanning, 06.03.2013, 16:20
11 votes Vote

Copy and Paste multiple inputs from Excel

Ability to copy a row or subset of a row directly from Excel and Paste it into a row in REEB. This is a significant effort and requires more discussion.
Response from the site administrator
chrisgalli, 22.10.2013
This is in the REEB3 release.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:38
10 votes Vote

Copy inputs or set inputs equal between full cost element rows (NOA, Commitments, Obs, Cost)

Ability to copy between NOA, Obs, and Cost rows in PPBE and Commitments, Obs, and Cost rows in Op Plan. Or the ability to set NOA = Obs; NOA = Obs = Cost; Commitments = Obs; Commitments = Obs = Cost; Obs = Cost, etc. This could significantly...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 29.05.2012
This feature is more applicable to PPBE planning and will be added in the future as a PPBE module enhancement during the next major release, REEB 3.0 which is currently scheduled for early CY 2013.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:37
7 votes Vote

Warn user when navigating away from Workspace if changes have been made, but not saved

Need to warn users when leaving a Workspace if changes were made but not saved. The warning would allow them to either cancel the navigation and stay on the Workspace or allow them to continue.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:36
7 votes Vote

Automatically populate Labor $ from Workforce and vice versa

Ability to automatically populate the respective Labor $ section from the WYE/FTEs entered as well as the ability to automatically populate the WYE/FTE from the Labor $s entered. Will need to set rules by plan and differentiate between WYE and FTE...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 29.05.2012
The complexity resulting from multiple methods for populating Labor $ requires significant consideration. As part of REEB 2.2 release we are enhancing methods for entering/accepting suggested values which significantly reduces manual inputs (by at least 80%). We are also building a delta report that will quickly identify any inputs that are not aligned with the suggested rate calculations.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:38
5 votes Vote

Move existing mapped WBS and associated budget content between Levels

Ability to move/re-assign a WBS and all associated content to a different Level within the Plan. This is useful if a WBS AND its phased budget is reassigned to a different section within the budget.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:35
1 comment
5 votes Vote

Change WBS within a Workspace and maintain associated budget content

Ability to change a WBS already mapped and planned within a Workspace. This is most useful when a temporary WBS is used for initial planning and then needs to be assigned to an actual WBS. In some cases this WBS may already exist in REEB or may...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 29.08.2012
This feature request has been completed through the use of the "shuffler" capability implemented.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:35
1 comment
5 votes Vote

Generate IBOT Import Format from REEB

Generate the IBOT Import format directly from REEB. IBOT format provided by Chris/Clara Blakeley. Source: Clara Blakeley Note: The IBOT format has lots of nuances that need to be discussed with Clara. For example, data is cum, ESC is...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 07.01.2013
joshmanning, 30.03.2012, 12:00
3 votes Vote

Add appropriation (missions) to the Slice feature

Ability to Slice Workspaces by Missions (ESMD, SOMD…). Source: Sandi Slaughter
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:24
3 votes Vote

On-page editing of Acquisition type on Workspace

Ability to change the acquisition type without having to launch the Setup Window.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:25
3 votes Vote

Add multiple ODCs without re-launching Setup Window

Ability to add multiple NASA and WYE ODCs without having to Save then re-launch the Setup Window each time.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:25
3 votes Vote

Copy input for entire row (straight-line)

Ability to copy the same value across the entire budget line such that all months/years are the same value. This could significantly reduce the amount of data entry for values that are the same for the entire budget horizon.
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 29.05.2012
This feature has been implemented in REEB 2.2 which is scheduled for release in June 2012.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:38
3 votes Vote

Download data from all tables in REEB

Download/extract data from all tables including the Rates tables and WBS dictionary
joshmanning, 30.03.2012, 11:44
3 votes Vote

Different FTE Rates for Different 6-digit Plans

Each 6-digit WBS has a different CS rate. Ability to add different rates for each 6-digit code that then can be used to calculate the suggested rates (or populate the CS Labor $ fields). Source: Clara Blakeley
joshmanning, 30.03.2012, 11:54
3 votes Vote

Bookmark/Favorite Workspace Sections

Ability to mark WBS sections within a Workspace as a Favorite or Bookmark so that these sections could be populated made directly available on the Homepage or user Profile link. Could also enable the ability to create custom Workspaces that...
joshmanning, 02.04.2012, 13:16
2 votes Vote

Detailed Workspace History (audit trail) with list of data changed

Include history of changes made in addition to the Who/When in the Workspace History. Could be useful when the Undo and/or Revision capability is created as prior changes could be viewed before “reverting.” Source: Trey Reilly...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:39
2 votes Vote

Quick Planning or "Sandbox" Mode

Ability to easily/quickly copy an existing plan (Workspace) for sensitivity and trade analysis that is NOT included in the budget submit. Similar to a Decision Package, but also not the same so would need to be classified as something different....
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 01.10.2012
Utilized a series of plan administrative functions to enable quick planning and sandbox utilization of REEB.
joshmanning, 29.03.2012, 14:08
1 comment
2 votes Vote

Search or filter by WBS on main planning page

Ability to search or filter by WBS on main planning page, in addition to current AIT/IPT filtering. Might also be nice to have ability to hide/show AIT/IPT levels mapped to each WBS.
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 27.08.2012
This is done through the different views on the Review Page.
Ashley Sharpe, 10.04.2012, 12:18
2 votes Vote

Analysts ability to view Labor Rates as Plan-specific Reviewers

Allow for analysts to continue to view the Labor Rate table even if their permissions are set to Reviewer for the plan. Source: Glenn Butts and Trey Reilly
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 05.06.2012
Completed as part of 2.2 update.
joshmanning, 10.04.2012, 14:38
1 vote Vote

Identify budget content by organization (LX, GP, NE, IT…) [meta-tagging]

Create the ability to identify budget content by performing organization (LX, GP, NE, IT…). This information can then be populated in Exports and Reports. This is needed in order to generate specific budget content for the supporting orgs that...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:02
1 vote Vote

Identify budget content by DDT&E, Production, Enabling, and Reserves [meta-tagging]

Create the ability to identify budget content by “functional” (?) type (DDT&E, Production, Enabling, Reserves…). This information can then be populated in Exports and Reports. This is needed in order to generate specific budget content by...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:02
1 vote Vote

Detailed, granular comments/notes for budget content – Workspace

Ability to add more comments to the Workspace for more contextual information. Includes ability to export those comments along with the related data. Option 1: Add comments directly to input cells Option 2: Add comments to budget section...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:25
1 vote Vote

Sort Org Listing so that KSC is always at Top

KSC and Orgs should always be listed at the top of the Org lists. For example, should be listed first in the Workspace Setup Window. Source: Sam Talluto
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:27
1 vote Vote

Archive “Freeze” Plan

Ability to archive a plan such that no changes can be made. This includes changes to central functions such as the WBS and Users. Once a plan is archived it is effectively “frozen” such that the data is preserved for historical reference and...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:36
1 vote Vote

Warn users when making changes to Setup that could result in content being deleted from the Workspace

Need to warn users when a setup item is unchecked but that setup item has content associated with it. Option 1: Warn each time a checkbox is unchecked and has content associated with it Option 2: Warn the user after a checkbox has been...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:36
1 vote Vote

Summary View by WBS Type (i.e., RD $ only)

Ability to get a summary of a single WBS Type (i.e., R&D or CoF only). For example, a summary view of *just* R&D not including FP&D or FTE's. Currently, the effort to calculate only R&D $ requires significant external calculations to be...
joshmanning, 09.04.2012, 14:45
1 vote Vote

Enhance the "you have another plan active" feature

If 1 plan is active and a link is opened to another plan a message appears that states that you have another plan active. The next step is to either "change plans" or go to the home page. It would be more convenient if the "change plans" action...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 16.05.2012
This will be an obsolete issue based on design of next major release of REEB which will allow multiple plans to be active and open at the same time.
joshmanning, 10.04.2012, 14:09
0 votes Vote

Identify budget content by discipline/division (PM, FS&OI, S&MA…)[meta-tagging]

Create the ability to identify budget content by discipline/division (PM, FS&OI, S&MA…). This information can then be populated in Exports and Reports. This is needed in order to generate specific budget content, especially summaries, for the...
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:04
0 votes Vote

CHARTING: Create Operating Plan Chart Functionality

Need to create a "Report" function for Operating Plans.
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 08.01.2013
Completed in 2.1
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:16
0 votes Vote

Business Analysis Reports - Budget error checking capability/reporting [Reporting]

Ability to check the entire budget, or subsets of the budget, against a set of business rules and processes to assist in the analysis of the content. This could fulfill part of the checklist actions to make sure that the budget “makes sense.”...
Response from the site administrator
joshmanning, 29.05.2012
The Delta Check report will be implemented in REEB 2.2 which is scheduled for release in June 2012.
joshmanning, 28.03.2012, 15:23
1 comment

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